Immortalize Your Blog by Turning It into a Family Search Memory

Great ideas to print and preserve your family history. Definitely worth a read.

9 thoughts on “Immortalize Your Blog by Turning It into a Family Search Memory

    1. I have used the Church of Latter Day Saints research facility before, but not really Family search. Some of my family data there is not accurate, but it was one of my rellies who uploaded it there, so I don’t think there is too much more there than I have already. I will take another look however. Thankyou.


      1. Ya trying to have a combined family tree can be difficult, sometimes people disagree on what’s correct. Although I’ve also learned a bit about my family history from what others have put in there. But no worries if you already have your tools of preference.

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      2. I use ancestry a bit, and like it for research. But I treat Family Search as my main tree, mostly because I’m a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it has some features geared specifically for church members.
        Also, I don’t do research too often, so I created an app,, to help me stay organized. (But so far I’m basically the only user.)

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